On 18 October 2020 we published a Memorandum and Invitation titled “Aboriginal First Indigenous Peoples of South Africa – Quo Vadis ? “. It was intended as a discussion document and a draft route map to stimulate debate on a process, to create a mechanism or constitutional framework to bring about unity of vision, purpose, and action amongst Aboriginal First Nation Peoples in South Africa and Southern Africa.
More than 40 organizations responded positively to our initial call for a Summit, as well as to the principles and process outlined in the Summit. After initial interactions with representatives of the said more than 30 additional organizations that joined as well later, after hosting a series of introductory sessions, it became apparent that we cannot proceed to initiate the organizational structures like the Secretariat et al outlined in the Memorandum, as a significant number of the organizations, and stakeholders that responded, are not properly capacitated to participate in the proposed process. After thorough inspection, we accordingly decided to first put in place a Planning Committee to ensure that we put in place a proper foundation that will ensure that all relevant parties can properly participate in the proposed process without any constraints. The planning committee accordingly embarked on a process to determine the exact scope, extent, nature, and detail of the proposed Summit, that will ensure a successful outcome.

We also realized after much deliberation, that the implementation of UNDRIP in South Africa must become the central theme of this process, and accordingly amended the name to UNDRIP Summit 1652. We also initiated the necessary steps to commence an UNDESA process under the umbrella of this initiative which will unlock much needed funding and expertise to underpin and accelerate the intended outcomes of this initiative.